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Jasper Astronomy Forecast

Stargazing forecast for Jasper

Below is the hour-by-hour astronomy forecast for Jasper, Alberta for tonight AND the following few days. The darker-blue the blocks in the top three rows are, the clearer the sky might be. The lighter they are, the greater the chance of cloud. Updated several times per day.

Northern Lights forecast for Jasper

Scroll or drag around to see where the aurora is predicted to be over Jasper in the next few hours. For more detailed future predictions for the next few days, go to the homepage of this resource

Below is the current % chance of auroras for Jasper and similar latitudes right now. For more details, see

Weather Network Canada hourly forecast for Jasper

Updated several times per hour – Anytime there’s a 20% chance of precipitation or lower for the hour you want to see the sky, it’s likely to be mostly clear. 30%, probably OK with some cloud (or not.) More than that and you’ll have to just wait & see. CURRENT HOURLY FORECAST

When will the International Space Station be visible over Jasper?

For more detailed future predictions for the next few days, go to the homepage of this resource